3.1 本次招標要求投標人須滿足:
Bidders for this bid invitation must:
Invitation for bids for Installation Works of Hefei Waste
Incineration Power Extension project
Bid No.: 0702-1450CITC4048
1. 招標條件Conditions
本招標項目: 合肥市生活垃圾焚燒發電擴建項目安裝工程已由安徽省發改外資(2011)368號文與安徽能源局(2012)78號文,皖發改能源(2014)368號文批準建設,項目發包方為合肥熱電集團有限公司,項目實施方為中節能(合肥)可再生能源有限公司(見本招標文件內合同格式文本),建設資金來自德國政府貸款,資金已落實。,
This bidding project, Installation Works of Hefei Waste Incineration Power Extension Project, has been approved by AHDRC (2011) No. 368 Document, AHNYJ (2012) No. 78 Document and WFGNY (2014) No. 368 Document. Project Tenderee is Hefei Thermoelectric Group Co., Ltd. The project is implemented by CECEP Hefei Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (See text of contract form in this Bidding Document). Construction funds are from German Government Loan and have been made available. Tenderee of this bidding project is Hefei Thermoelectric Group Co., Ltd. and CECEP Hefei Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. The project is ready for bidding and now public biddings are invited for the project equipments installation construction.
2. 項目概況與招標范圍Project overview and scope of tender
2.1項目名稱:本項目為中國 安徽省 合肥市生活垃圾焚燒發電擴建項目安裝工程
Project name: Installation Works of Hefei Waste Incineration Power Extension Project in Anhui Province, P.R.China
2.2建設地點:中國 安徽省 合肥市循環經濟示范園天工大道西側
Construction location: West Side of Tiangong Avenue, Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Garden, Anhui Province, P.R.China
Planned construction period: 375 calendar days
Scope of tender: This bid section is installation works of all equipment for 2×500 t/d waste incinerator grate and incineration boiler + 2×10MW condensing turbo-generator unit and its supporting system and auxiliary facilities, and it includes procurement of a part of equipment and materials. (See Attachment 7: Bill of Quantities, Attachment 10: Drawings.)
3. 投標人資格要求Qualification requirements for the Tenderer
3.1 本次招標要求投標人須滿足:
Bidders for this bid invitation must:
For enterprises in China: have general contracting qualification grade one or above for construction of electric power engineering;
For enterprises outside China: have general contracting qualification for electric power engineering equivalent to general contracting qualification grade one or above for construction of electric power engineering in China
Make achievements in construction of main part of 2 waste incineration power projects in recent five years(2009-2013) (Copy and original copy of the contract must be provided), one waste incineration power project has been in normal operation for more than one year (counted after 72+24 hours) (Copy and original copy of the ownership certification must be provided)
3.1.3 人員要求:
Personnel Requirements:項目經理
Project Manager
Registered construction engineer Class I of Mechanical and Electric Installation EngineeringHave Intermediate Technical Title or above for the Electrical Power Engineering.
Make achievements in construction of main part of 1 waste incineration power projects in recent five years(2009-2013) (Copy and original copy of the contract, certificate of completion acceptance or ownership certificate must be provided).
Personnel from its own unit of the Tenderer without other projects under construction Without record of bad behavior as for the project.技術負責人
Technical Leader
Have Senior Technical Title or above for Electrical Power Engineering.
Make achievements in construction of main part of 1 waste incineration power projects in recent five years (2009-2013)(Copy and original copy of the contract, certificate of completion acceptance or ownership certificate must be provided).
Personnel from its own unit of the Tenderer without other projects under construction
3.2 本次招標不接受聯合體投標。
Bid in terms of consortium is not accepted.
3.3 各投標人應就上述招標范圍進行總體投標,只針對一部分投標的標書將被拒絕。本項目的投標人為總承包商,不允許投標人作為安裝公司參與其它投標人在本工程的投標。
Bidders shall submit bids for all above scope of tender. Any bid for any part of the scope will be rejected. Bidders of this project shall be general contractor. Bidders are not allowed to submit bids for this project as installation companies or other bidders.
4. 招標文件的獲取Acquisition of bidding documents
4.1 凡有意參加投標者,請于2014年6月27日至7月4日上午9時至11時,下午2時至4時(北京時間,下同),持以下文件原件及二份加蓋公司印章的復印件:投標授權委托書(非法人應持有法人授權書和購買人身份證原件)、企業資質證書副本、營業執照副本、安全生產許可證副本、組織代碼證、稅務登記證在招標機構處購買招標文件。
Anyone intends to participate in the bid please go to the Office of Tender Agent to register and obtain Bidding Documents from 9 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 4 pm (Beijing time) from June 27, 2014 to July 4, 2014 with original copy and two stamped copies of following documents: power for attorney for bidding (legal person’s power of attorney and purchaser’s ID card origin in case of not a legal person), copy of enterprise qualification certificate, copy of business license, copy of production safety license, organization code certificate, taxation registration certificate。
4.2 招標文件每套售價8000元人民幣或者950歐元,售后不退。
The bidding documents are sold at RMB 8000 or EUR 950, and we do not return the expense after sale.
4.3 郵購招標文件的,需另加手續費(含郵費)200元。招標機構在收到單位介紹信和郵購款(含手續費)后2日內寄送。
In case of a mailed purchase of the bidding documents, additional service fee (including postage) of RMB 200 is needed. The Tender Agent will send the bidding documents within 2 days after receipt of the letter of introduction and postage (including service fee).
5. 現場勘察日期: 招標機構將以書面形式通知所有購買招標文件的投標人
The Date of site exploration: Tender Agent will notice in writing all of Bidders who has purchased Bidding Documents.
標前會時間: 招標機構將以書面形式通知所有購買招標文件的投標人
Pre-bid meeting: Tender Agent will notice in writing all of Bidders who has purchased Bidding Documents.
地點:中國 安徽省 合肥市循環經濟示范園區天工大道西側 合肥市垃圾焚燒發電廠
Address: Hefei Waste Incineration Power Generation Plant ,West Side of Tiangong Avenue, Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Garden, Anhui Province, P.R.China
6. 投標文件的遞交Submission of bids
6.1 投標文件遞交的截止時間: 2014年8 月12日上午9:30
The deadline of submission Bids: 9:30 a.m. of August 12, 2014
As the same time when the Bidder submit his bid, the original of qualification evidence document and qualification certificate requested in Clause 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
The original copy shall be returned to the Tenderer after confirmation by evaluation.
If provides incomplete certificates or documents, the bid will be rejected.
6.2 逾期送達的或者未送達指定地點的投標文件,招標人不予受理。
Bids submitted after deadline or not to specified address will not be accepted.
7.聯系方式 Contact Information
招 標 人:合肥熱電集團有限公司
Tenderee: Hefei Thermoelectric Group Co., Ltd.
地 址:中國 安徽省 合肥市 淮河西路454號
Address: No. 454 Huaihe West Road Hefei, Anhui Province, P.R.China
招 標 人:中節能(合肥)可再生能源有限公司
Tenderee: CECEP Hefei Renewable Energy Co., Ltd.
地址:中國 安徽省 合肥市 循環經濟示范園天工大道西側
Address: West Side of Tiangong Avenue, Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Garden, Anhui Province, P.R.China
聯 系 人:俞際暉先生/何文婷女士
Attn: Mr. Yu Jihui/Mr. He Wenting
電 話Tel:0551-66015168
傳 真Fax:0551-66015160
招標代理: 中機國際招標公司
Tender Agent: CMC International Tendering Corporation
Address: Rm1104, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P.R.China
Attn: Mr. Liu Xiaochen/Ms. Wang Yanwei/Ms. Tang Tianpei
電話Tel:010-6334 8450/6334 8449/6334 8476
傳 真 Fax:010-63348445